
I know what I want and…
am I really interested in this offer?

It may be a pointless question. If you were not interested in the offer, then why would you respond to it? But! It is not exception that in order to increase chances on the work market, some people tend to respond to any offer no matter what type of offer it is.

It might be true to a certain point, but only from the point of probability. However, if people respond to offers such as assistant in sales, brand manager, sales representative and they argue that they want to work in sales or marketing, then everything is just wrong.


Firstly, if I respond to this combination of positions then I don’t know what I want. Basically….you have to be clear on what you want to do, what is the right path for you, compare your passion with the real experience (if you have experience as an assistant, it is not really possible to get a job as brand manager, however you can "get there" after a few more years) and then respond. In reality it means comparing job requirements with experience and knowledge that you have.

The area of “requirements” is usually a description of an ideal candidate; so don’t be scared to respond especially if the requirement says that it is an “advantage” to have the experience/knowledge. In the end, it is the consultant who should be qualified to estimate whether you are the right candidate at least for the first round of interview.

Answer the following questions to yourself:

  1. I want to do this job
  2. I have enough experience.

Let’s continue….

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BD Funky


Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague

We are partner of the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague.

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