Assessment center

Everyone knows that real action is the best and that is why we make the candidates face the real work situations individually and in groups. Candidates have to solve individual, team and model situations and they show how they are able to interact with each other, how they work in a team, how they argue, present themselves and their own work such as case study presentation. This group selection works for positions in admin area, sales, and also for managerial positions.

Do you have to know how candidate solves critical situations? How much they can take and don’t choke while solving the first problem? Whether he/she can impose great ideas on others? We will find out whatever you need to know. Among the most evaluated characteristics belong stress resistance, performance, decisiveness, independence, problem solving, creativity, communication skills, teamwork, motivation and the ability to persuade others.

If you want to get to know your friend, take him to the mountains. If you want to find your future employee, then send him to the assessment center.


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BD Funky


Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague

We are partner of the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague.

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