Executive Search

Because of a manager, or a specialist we have to explore the market in detail and find candidates who fulfill your specific requirements.

It is possible that you are not interested in the best candidates. However you have us in order to convince the candidates (according to ethics) that work for your company is the best choice for them.

Once the candidate gets the job, it is not the end. BD consultants will follow up and help the new employee to cohere in the new company.


If you have any comments, or questions and you would like see our references, or if you want us to provide you with responses from our happy clients, then please contact us.

Phone: +420 224 829 260
E-mail: info@b-de.eu

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that our company offers, please leave a comment.

BD Funky


Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague

We are partner of the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague.

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