Nabízené pozice

Pro našeho významného klienta z oblasti FMCG, hledáme do jeho výrobního závodu vhodné uchazeče na níže uvedenou pozici. 

Regional Project Engineer zpět
Výroba a průmysl
Key responsibilities include:

- Leads investment projects (typically 1-5 m USD) from preparation to productions start up & final hand over and is responsible for delivery of defined business results

- University degree preferably in engineering / manufacturing or chemistry
- Minimum of 5 years of practical Engineering experience in the area of investment projects
- Min. 3 years of practical experience in food manufacturing
- Good understanding of reliability & maintenance management
- Needs to understand asset management and be capable to manage continuous improvement
- Needs a potential to develop in strategic leadership in future.
- Advanced excel and finance skills
- Good knowledge of project management

- Min. B2 English written and verbal

Benefits offer:
- 5 weeks of holiday
- 13. salary (1/2 of monthly base salary)
- Annual variable pay
- Pension insurance (up to 30.000,-CZK/year)
- Life insurance payed by company
- Voachers for 100% attandance upto 6.000,-CZK/year
- Bus shuttler for free (Vlašim, Benešov, Votice, Týnec, Čerčany, Sedlčany, Praha-Opatov)
- Discounted meals and drinks for free
- Medical care at working place for free
- Gym at working place for free
- Career growth within the company

Místo pracoviště
Středočeský kraj

Typ pracovního vztahu
Hlavní pracovní poměr

Min. požadované vzdělání
Vysokoškolské/ universitní




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Napište nám

Pokud jste spokojeni se službami, které nabízí naše firma, napište nám Vaše reakce.

BD Funky

Vyzkoušejte ďábelskou variantu BD Funky.


Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze

Jsme partnerem Filozofické Fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze.

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